TimeBOMB wins at Visionale and mb21

The game station TimeBOMB, which was developed by the students Severin Engert, Remke Albrecht, Felix Meyer, and Constantin Amend during practical course work, has won first prize at the Visionale in Leipzig, Germany. Additonally, TimeBOMB was also awarded a prize at the Deutschen Multimediapreis mb21. The station enables four players to compete with each other playing the classic game Bomberman in four different time periods. It was originally developed as an exhibition piece for the 50th anniversary of computer science in Dresden. Furthermore, it was part of the exhibition “Schöne neue Cyberwelt?” in the Technische Sammlungen Dresden. TimeBOMB also grabbed the attention of the media. The online magazine Tag24, the MDR, Oiger, and Dresdener Neuste Nachrichten all reported about TimeBOMB. The Laudatio of the mb21 is also worth seeing.

More information can be found on the project page about TimeBOMB.

ISS’19 in Deajeon, South Korea

The 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces took place from November 10 to 13 in Deajeon, South Korea. Many international researchers presented interesting publications from all areas of human computer interaction. The Interactive Media Lab was present with our paper DesignAR: Immersive 3D-Modeling Combining Augmented Reality with Interactive Displays.
We are very happy to announce that the authors Patrick Reipschläger and Raimund Dachselt won the best paper award for academic publications. For more information, please have a look at DesignAR’s project page.

IEEE VIS 2019 in Vancouver

This year, the IEEE VIS Conference took place in Vancouver, Canada. 20-25 October, scientists and practitioners from all over the world presented the newest research in the area of visualization. Of course the Interactive Media Lab was present as well. Tamara Flemisch, Ricardo Langner, Tom Horak and Wolfgang Büschel from our lab attended the conference. While Tamara and Tom served as Student Volunteers, Wolfgang gave a talk about our CG&A article Augmented Reality Graph Visualizations: Investigation of Visual Styles in 3D Node-Link Diagrams on Wednesday. More information, the paper PDF and the presentation slides can be found on the project page. Ulrik Günther and Aryaman Gupta of the CSBD/MPI-CBG were also there and presented a poster from the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life and a short paper.

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MobileHCI 2019 in Taipei

MobileHCI 2019

From October 1 to 4, the ACM MobileHCI 2019 conference took place in Taipei, Taiwan. IMLD’s Wolfgang Büschel presented our work on Smartphone-based Pan and Zoom in AR. More information about this project, the paper download as well as the presentation slides can be found at the project page.

IMLD Presents Full-Paper at HCI International 2019

The 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction took place from July 26 to 31 in Orlando, Florida. The location of the venue was the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resorts. The conference was well attended with over 5000 participants and over 1200 papers were presented.

The Interactive Media Lab Dresden presented CHARM: Cord-based Haptic Augmented Reality Interaction. In this work, we developed a cord-based controller for manipulating content in Augmented Reality. We created a generic radial menu for system control, as well as interaction concepts for the 3D transformation of AR objects. Furthermore, we also conducted a study with our fully-implemented hard- and software prototype

Dagstuhl Seminar on Mobile Data Visualization

From July 14 to 19, we participated in the Mobile Data Visualization seminar at Schloss Dagstuhl. As a follow up of our CHI 2018 workshop, this interdisciplinary seminar was co-organized by Raimund Dachselt together with Eun Kyoung Choe (University of Maryland), Petra Isenberg (INRIA Saclay), and Bongshin Lee (Microsoft Research). Among the 25 participants, also Ricardo Langner and Tom Horak from our lab followed the invitation.

As an uniqueness of Dagstuhl, the seminar run for one week in the remote location of the castle allowing for in-depth discussions about the state and future of mobile data visualizations. More specifically, different facets of the timely topic were discussed in various breakout groups, talks, and tutorials. Among others, this included the definition, evaluation methods, responsiveness, immersion, or social and ethical aspects. The results will be published soon in a Dagstuhl report. The seminar’s abstract, motivation, and list of participants is available at https://www.dagstuhl.de/19292.

IML Dresden participates at OUTPUT.DD 2019

Once more, we were represented at the OUTPUT with several demos.

Students of the Faculty of Computer Science showed on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at the OUTPUT 2019 exciting projects that were created during their studies. We had registered five projects: Severin Engert, Remke Albrecht, Constantin Amend and Felix Meyer (Supervisor: Patrick Reipschläger, Anke Lehmann) showed their project TimeBOMB – a homage to the video game classic “Bomberman”, in which four players compete against each other in four different eras of computer game history. Lena Denne, Marilena Fröhlich and Lukas Haack (Supervisor: Patrick Reipschläger, Anke Lehmann) showed their project UprisingTimes – a mixed reality game in which the main character has to be rescued from the virtual prison with the help of digital and physical components. Continue reading

Successful Participation at ACM CHI 2019

The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (short CHI) took place in Glasgow, UK from May 4 to 9. Four of us represented the Interactive Media Lab Dresden by presenting four contributions in total (see news).

The presentation of our full paper Vistribute: Distributing Interactive Visualizations in Dynamic Multi-Device Setups certainly was one of the highlights. The paper is the result of a cooperation between Tom Horak and Raimund Dachselt with Andreas Mathisen and Clemens N. Klokmose from Aarhus University as well as Niklas Elmqvist from the University of Maryland. The focus of the work is on automatically distributing interactive visualizations in multi-device setups.

The conference started on Saturday with our participation in the Human-Centered Machine Learning Perspectives (HCMLP) Workshop where Raimund Dachselt presented our work Interactive Exploration of Large Decision Tree Ensembles, which is a result of our ongoing cooperation with ai4bd. On the weekend, Tom Horak participated in the Doctoral Consortium and presented his current progress in his doctoral program about Designing for Visual Data Exploration in Multi-Device Environments.

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Four Contributions at the 2019 ACM CHI Conference

At this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), we will present four accepted contributions – 1 full paper, 1 interactivity, 1 doctoral consortium participation, and 1 workshop contributions. The ACM CHI is the biggest and most important conference in the field of human-computer interaction and will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, UK from May 4 to 9, 2019. We are particularly proud to present our full paper Vistribute: Distributing Interactive Visualizations in Dynamic Multi-Device Setups. The paper is the result of a cooperation between Tom Horak and Raimund Dachselt with Andreas Mathisen and Clemens N. Klokmose from Aarhus University as well as Niklas Elmqvist from the University of Maryland. The focus of the work is on automatically distributing interactive visualizations in multi-device setups. Besides on the Vistribute project page, you can also read about the research in a blog post.

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