Invited Talk Prof. Dr. Heidrun Schumann

On November 30th, Professor Schumann (Universität Rostock) gave a talk on the topic of Scalable Information Visualization as part of the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization. We thank Prof. Schumann for her very interesting talk. (more info)

Best Paper Award at ACM ITS 2012 in Cambridge (USA)

From November 10th to 14th, Martin Spindler and Raimund Dachselt attended the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) in Cambridge (USA). The ACM ITS is the world’s most important conference in the field of human-computer interaction on interactive surfaces. Continue reading

Invited Talk Ulrich von Zadow

On Novemer 2nd, Ulrich von Zadow (Archimedes Exhibitions GmbH, Berlin, Germany) gave a talk on Interactive Surfaces in Practice – Experiences in Museum and Education Contexts. We thank him for the insight into this exciting topic. (more info)

Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives

On September 28th, the 2. “Int. Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives” took place during this year’s TPDL in Paphos/Cyprus. Its main organizer was the Chair for Multimedia-Technology. Continue reading