I4D Kick-Off Meeting

On December 11th 2014 was the Kick-Off meeting of the interdisciplinary I4D project, which was started by IML in October together with the Chair of Engineering Design and CAD (KTC) and the Chair of Distributed Control Engineering (PLT). The goal of the project is to create an integrated information and interaction space for industry 4.0 in Dresden. The Meeting was a whole success in the eyes of every participant, so that the way has been paved to implement prototypes of the planed concepts and to acquire additional research and industry partners during the next two years.

Open House Event at the IMLD

On Thursday, November 20th, we had an Open House Event at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden. The event took place directly after the international tabletop conference (ITS 2014), organized by the IMLD, and combined two exciting scientific talks by Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and Dr. Miguel Nacenta with demos of our research prototypes. A buffet sponsored by MultiTouch Ltd. supplied our guests with the energy needed. Also, Dr. Tommi Ilmonen, CTO of MultiTouch Ltd., presented the technology behind our interactive multitouch wall and was able to answer questions. We thank MultiTouch Ltd. for sponsoring the event and all our guests for their interest in our research and the valuable, positive feedback.

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Additional impressions of the event can be found in our photo gallery.

ITS 2014 in Dresden, Germany

The International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS’14) took place from Nov 16 – 19, 2014 in Dresden, Germany. As principal organizers of this years event, we were particularly keen to make these four days an enjoyable and pleasant happening. The hard work of Co-General Chair Raimund Dachselt, our team as well as all others involved has paid off. Catch some impressions of the conference at our photo gallery!

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Two Invited Talks in November

We are happy to announce to exciting research talks in November. On Thursday, November 20th Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and Dr. Miguel Nacenta are going to visit us. Starting 9.30 am, Dr. Carpendale is going to give a talk on Thinking about Interacting with Information in our Everyday Lives. Then, at 10.15 am, Dr. Nacenta is going to talk about Playing with perception, representation, and presentation: three ways to subvert current visualization techniques. Both research talks will take place in the lecture hall INF E023. Anyone interested is cordially invited!

ISMAR 2014 Best Paper Award for our IPAR Paper

The paper Interactive Near-field Illumination for Photorealistic Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices, a result of the DFG project IPAR, has been honored with the Best Paper Award at ISMAR 2014. Kai Rohmer (Computational Visualistics Group at OvGU Magdeburg) presented the paper last week at the world’s leading conference on Mixed and Augmented Reality.

IPAR is a DFG-funded joint project of the Computational Visualistics Group and Interactive Media Lab Dresden.

IML Dresden at OUTPUT and the Long Night of Sciences Dresden

This year’s two big events, the 9th edition of OUTPUT, the project show of our faculty as well as the 12th Long Night of Sciences Dresden took place on July 3 and 4. Find exciting impressions captured on images at our photo gallery!
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DIS 2014 Honorable Mention for our LEIF paper

The paper tPad: Designing Transparent-Display Mobile Interactions, a result of the LEIF exchange program, received an “Honorable Mention” at this year’s DIS 2014.

LEIF was a EU funded exchange program between Canada and the European Union. Professor Dachselt was the European project coordinator.

Invited Talk with Prof. Eva Hornecker

We are pleased to announce another exciting talk on Friday, June 27, 1p.m. in our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization series. This time Prof. Eva Hornecker will talk about Physical-Digital-Social Encounters : Exploring the Social Design Space of Physical Computing giving an overview of her research which explores applications and uses of physical-digital technologies in a range of domains, such as museum installations, urban media interventions, and the influence of alternative modality data representations on subjective user experience. The event will take place at the seminar room INF E023. Everybody is welcome to participate!

EuroVis 2014 in Swansea, Wales

This year’s Eurographics Conference on Visulaization (EuroVis 2014) was located in Swansea, Wales. The focus of this conference is novel ideas for information visualization and scientific visualization. Ulrike Kister presented a state-of-the-art report on Interactive Lenses in Visualization together with our collaborators from Rostock in our project GEMS. In a 90-minute talk, they presented classification of magic lenses of different application areas. They especially focused on lenses for different data types and interaction tasks. Ulrike presented existing interaction modalities and display setups for the positioning and adjustment of magic lenses.

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