The ACM ISS 2020 (ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces), which was supposed to take place in Lisbon, was completely virtual this year. Our group was involved with two contributions.
Latest News and Information about the Chair of Multimedia Technology
The Mensch und Computer 2020 took place from September 6-9. The Interactive Media Lab Dresden (Chair of Multimedia Technology) was represented with three contributions.
The full paper Achiever or Explorer? Gamifying the Creation Process of Training Data for Machine Learning examines whether and how Gamification can be used to create high-quality training data for machine learning. The publication was based on the master thesis of Sarah Alaghbari.
At this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), we will present six accepted contributions – two full papers (one Honorable Mention Award), two interactivities, one student game competition exhibit, and one workshop contribution.
In March 2020, a new “Starting Grant Project” was launched as part of the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL) for the immersive exploration of multiscale biological data. The Cluster of Excellence PoL aims to discover new paradigms for understanding life and deepen our knowledge of living biological matter. This serves the purpose of gaining insights into the “laws of physics” that underlie the dynamic spatio-temporal organization of life into molecules, cells and tissues. Fundamental physics is used to understand and solve biological questions. Therefore, innovative experimental approaches, theoretical predictions and computer simulations will be used.
Raimund Dachselt represents the research area “Scientific Computing and Systems Microscopy” (RA5) of the cluster as one of the principal investigators. With the beginning of March 2020, our first PoL employee will also start working. We welcome Eva Goebel as a new PhD student to our Interactive Media Lab!
The game station TimeBOMB, which was developed by the students Severin Engert, Remke Albrecht, Felix Meyer, and Constantin Amend during practical course work, has won first prize at the Visionale in Leipzig, Germany. Additonally, TimeBOMB was also awarded a prize at the Deutschen Multimediapreis mb21. The station enables four players to compete with each other playing the classic game Bomberman in four different time periods. It was originally developed as an exhibition piece for the 50th anniversary of computer science in Dresden. Furthermore, it was part of the exhibition “Schöne neue Cyberwelt?” in the Technische Sammlungen Dresden. TimeBOMB also grabbed the attention of the media. The online magazine Tag24, the MDR, Oiger, and Dresdener Neuste Nachrichten all reported about TimeBOMB. The Laudatio of the mb21 is also worth seeing.
More information can be found on the project page about TimeBOMB.
The 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces took place from November 10 to 13 in Deajeon, South Korea. Many international researchers presented interesting publications from all areas of human computer interaction. The Interactive Media Lab was present with our paper DesignAR: Immersive 3D-Modeling Combining Augmented Reality with Interactive Displays.
We are very happy to announce that the authors Patrick Reipschläger and Raimund Dachselt won the best paper award for academic publications. For more information, please have a look at DesignAR’s project page.
This year, the IEEE VIS Conference took place in Vancouver, Canada. 20-25 October, scientists and practitioners from all over the world presented the newest research in the area of visualization. Of course the Interactive Media Lab was present as well. Tamara Flemisch, Ricardo Langner, Tom Horak and Wolfgang Büschel from our lab attended the conference. While Tamara and Tom served as Student Volunteers, Wolfgang gave a talk about our CG&A article Augmented Reality Graph Visualizations: Investigation of Visual Styles in 3D Node-Link Diagrams on Wednesday. More information, the paper PDF and the presentation slides can be found on the project page. Ulrik Günther and Aryaman Gupta of the CSBD/MPI-CBG were also there and presented a poster from the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life and a short paper.
From October 20 to October 23, the 32st ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (short UIST 2019) took place at the center of New Orleans in the French Quarter. The doctoral symposium and welcome reception happened at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on the famous Bourbon Street on Sunday. UIST brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, novel devices, and CSCW.
This year, Andreas Peetz and Konstantin Klamka presented a reconfigurable wearable system for clothing, called BodyHub, that allows user to realize their own smart garment applications by arranging and configuring exchangeable functional modules. To address individual user requirements and preferences, BodyHub provides input and output modules that can be placed freely onto slide-in sockets which are imprinted in the textile by using 3D printing. Further, our approach facilitates the creation of user-defined system functions without any programming skills by providing a easy-to-use smartphone companion app. BodyHub thereby allows the creation of personalized wearable solutions by the users themselves and also supports ad-hoc assemblies for interface design explorations in research labs. Detailed information about our approach can be found in the poster paper and the project page.
Some impressions of the scientific part and non-scientific program can be found in the twitter feed of the conference @acmuist and acmuist flickr.