LNDW 2024

The Long Night Of Science of 2024 saw the participation of our Interactive Media Lab both in the APB building and in front of the Alte Mensa’s main entrance.
At the APB building, our lab hosted a wide variety of demos. We showed CleAR Sight, demonstrating the possibilities of transparent displays in Augmented Reality environments, and the Virtual Reality-assisted Endomersion demo from our work in CeTI.

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This year’s OUTPUT hosted several student projects and theses from our Interactive Media Lab, as well as a dissertation award.
During the award ceremony, Dr.-Ing. Marc Satkowski received the Cloud&Heat Dissertationpreis for his excellent dissertation, titled “Understanding Immersive Environments for Visual Data Analysis”. His PhD revolves around the study of human factors for Immersive Analytics in Augmented Reality systems.

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ACM CHI 2024 in Honolulu

The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) took place from May 11-16, 2024, at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. Weizhou Luo attended the conference and successfully presented his work “Exploring Spatial Organization Strategies for Virtual Content in Mixed Reality Environments” at the Doctoral Consortium. He also discussed his poster about this work with other conference attendees.

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IMLD-Visit in Konstanz

Gruppenbild des Workshops in Konstanz | Group picture of the Workshop in Konstanz

On April 17 and 18 2024, six researchers of our Interactive Media Lab Dresden visited the Human-Computer Interaction Group of the University of Konstanz. In a joint workshop, we discussed several exciting research topics in the field of mixed reality. The two days were concluded with a public talk from Prof. Raimund Dachselt on the topic “Leaving the Confines of the Desktop: Towards Ubiquitous Data Visualization.”

PhD Defense Marc Satkowski

On December 19, 2023, Marc Satkowski successfully defended his PhD thesis.

With his topic “Understanding Immersive Environments for Visual Data Analysis“, he investigated how future AR applications, specifically presenting information visualizations, need to be designed in a human-centered way.

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ISMAR 2023 Workshop on “Hybrid User Interfaces”

From the 16th to the 20th of October, the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2023) was held Sydney, Australia. The ISMAR conference explores exciting contributions in the commercial and research activities involving Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality.  As part of the conference, and along with other top researchers in the area, Raimund Dachselt co-organized the first Workshop on “Hybrid User Interfaces”.
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MuC 2023 in Rapperswil, Switzerland

This year, Fabian Plichta presented our work Growing Green Habits: Unobtrusive Gamified Eco-Feedback to Motivate Sustainable Behavior at the Mensch und Computer 2023 conference, which is one of the largest conference series on human-computer interaction in Europe. The MuC ’23 conference took place at at the OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences Campus Rapperswil (SG) at the Zürichsee in Switzerland.

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LNDW 2023

A warm and stormy Long Night of Science has concluded and the Interactive Media Lab once again participated almost in its entirety. We had the chance to present a diverse cross-section of our research to curious visitors across various ages and professions.

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Another successful OUTPUT has come to an end and the Interactive Media Lab was once again present with multiple student projects and research prototypes, as well as the recipient of an award for an excellent thesis written at our chair.

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