Invited Talk by Prof. Marc Erich Latoschik

Talk Marc Erich Latoschik

On Wednesday, July 8th, Professor Marc Erich Latoschik of the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg will give a talk in the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization.

The talk with the title Intelligent, Interactive, Multimodal – Techniques for Future Human-Computer Interfaces takes place in room APB 1004, starting at 1.15 pm. We look forward to this exciting research talk.

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Two IMLD students receive awards

Konstantin Klamka received an award for his project presented at OUTPUT 2015. Under the title “be creative – be innovative” dresden|exist, a group supporting founding of companies from TU Dresden, awarded Konstantin’s project Elasticcon as one of the most creative and innovative demos. Elasticcon is an elastic controller that allows remote-controlling of a computer using a retractable string and exchangeable traction knobs.

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IML Dresden active at OUTPUT and Long Night of Sciences Dresden

Engaging demos at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden again aroused a great deal of interest at this year’s OUTPUT and Long Night of Sciences.

OUTPUT 2015 took place on Thursday, July 2nd, celebrating its 10th anniversary. Students of the Faculty of Computer Science presented interesting projects that were created in last semester’s courses. We selected four student projects whose exciting results were presented to faculty members, students and guests visiting the lab. Konstantin Klamka presented his project Elasticcon, an elastic controller for everyday use that controlls the computer using various interaction techniques and features. Lars Beck, Maximilian Gräf and Christoph Plagge explained an interactive map exploration technique in front of the display wall. Continue reading

We celebrate “20 years of Multimedia-Technology”

Many guests, students and faculty members came together on Friday, June 5th, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Chair of Multimedia-Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science.
The celebrations were initiated by Prof. Meißner (Chair MMT) discussing the importance and challenges of multimedia technology in our current world. Afterwards, Prof. Dachselt (Chair MT) talked about the work of the Interactive Media Lab and the important connection of media and human-computer interacton.
Then followed three interesting research talks by invited speakers Prof. Dr. Frank Schönefeld (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nürnberger (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) und Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg). Finger food in the lounge allowed for discussions of the topic.

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Festveranstaltung “20 Jahre Multimediatechnik”, Gastvorträge

Sorry, this content is only available in German. For your convenience, it is shown below in this language.

Am Freitag, dem 5. Juni, findet zum Thema 20 Jahre Multimediatechnik an der Fakultät Informatik eine gemeinsame Festveranstaltung der Professur MMT und des Interactive Media Lab Dresden statt. Unter dem Titel “Perspektiven Multimedialer Technologien” wird ab 14:00 Uhr in einem Vortragsprogramm über vergangene Herausforderungen und zukünftige Perspektiven reflektiert. In diesem Rahmen freuen wir uns, drei spannende Gastvorträge ankündigen zu dürfen.

Prof. Dr. Frank Schönefeld von der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH wird ab ca. 14:35 Uhr zum Thema Digitale Disruption durch multimediale Technologien - Industrielle Herausforderungen und Chancen referieren.

Gegen 15:45 Uhr begrüßen wir Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nürnberger von der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg zu seinem Vortrag Exploring and Organizing Multimedia Collections: Meta-Data and Adaptivity.

Schließlich wird Frau Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll von der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg um 16:30 einen Vortrag zum Thema Multimedia trifft Mensch-Technik Interaktion halten.

Wir würden uns sehr über zahlreiche Teilnahme freuen. Das komplette Programm ist hier zu finden: Programm 20 Jahre MMT

German HCI-Book “Interaktive Systeme” Vol. 2 published

Cover HCI Buch Band 2

In April 2015, the second volume of the most comprehensive German textbook on Human-Computer Interaction appeared in print. On 774 pages, Bernhard Preim and Raimund Dachselt address three larger topics in 12 chapters (download table of contents):
User Interface Engineering (the entire development process of User Interfaces), 3D User Interfaces (incl. input/output devices, basic and advanced 3D interaction) und Natural User Interfaces (gestural interaction, interactive surfaces, Tangible UIs).
In combination with volume 1, the comprehensive 1,400 page compendium now covers a wide range of HCI topics for a broad audience. The book can be ordered in print, as an eBook, or downloaded as a PDF at Springer Link. The accompanying book website contains more information, and a table of contents can be downloaded here (sorry, only in German, like the entire book ;-).

Invited Talk by Prof. Dr. Gerik Scheuermann

On Friday, January 23rd, Professor Gerik Scheuermann of the Image and Signal Processing Group (Abteilung Bild- und Signalverarbeitung) at the University of Leipzig will start this year’s season of the Dresden Talks on Interaction & Visualization.

The talk about Topological and Feature Oriented Visualization of Simulations from Continuum Mechanics takes place in room APB E023, starting at 1 pm. We look forward to this exciting research talk.

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I4D Kick-Off Meeting

On December 11th 2014 was the Kick-Off meeting of the interdisciplinary I4D project, which was started by IML in October together with the Chair of Engineering Design and CAD (KTC) and the Chair of Distributed Control Engineering (PLT). The goal of the project is to create an integrated information and interaction space for industry 4.0 in Dresden. The Meeting was a whole success in the eyes of every participant, so that the way has been paved to implement prototypes of the planed concepts and to acquire additional research and industry partners during the next two years.

Open House Event at the IMLD

On Thursday, November 20th, we had an Open House Event at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden. The event took place directly after the international tabletop conference (ITS 2014), organized by the IMLD, and combined two exciting scientific talks by Dr. Sheelagh Carpendale and Dr. Miguel Nacenta with demos of our research prototypes. A buffet sponsored by MultiTouch Ltd. supplied our guests with the energy needed. Also, Dr. Tommi Ilmonen, CTO of MultiTouch Ltd., presented the technology behind our interactive multitouch wall and was able to answer questions. We thank MultiTouch Ltd. for sponsoring the event and all our guests for their interest in our research and the valuable, positive feedback.

openhouse01 openhouse02

Additional impressions of the event can be found in our photo gallery.