IEEE ISMAR 2022 in Singapore

This year, the ISMAR conference took place in Singapore. From October 17 to 21, exciting research papers were presented at this important augmented and mixed reality conference, for the first time also in hybrid form. A record was set both in the number of papers and the number of participants. The Interactive Media Lab was represented again this year: Katja Krug, Marc Satkowski and Wolfgang Büschel attended the conference from our Lab. Katja presented our Paper CleAR Sight: Exploring the Potential of Interacting with Transparent Tablets in Augmented Reality on Wednesday and Marc presented our Paper ABOVE & BELOW: Investigating Ceiling and Floor for Augmented Reality Content Placement on Thursday.

We are looking forward to the next ISMAR, which will take place in Sydney, Australia and hope to be there again in 2023 with numerous research papers!
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Two Papers at IEEE ISMAR 2022

ISMAR 2022 Logo

We are happy to announce that two conference papers from our lab have been accepted at IEEE ISMAR 2022!
With an acceptance rate of 21%, this year’s ISMAR was again very competitive. We are glad that we are able to contribute to the community of the premier conference in the field of mixed reality with our research.

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Honoring Excellent Graduates

The Senate of the TU Dresden regularly honors the best graduates of all degree programs for their excellent achievements. For more than 25 years, the top 2% of graduates in engineering have received the Enno Heidebroek award. From the class of 20/21 our young colleague Severin Engert was awarded.
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PhD Defense of Tom Horak

On July 7, 2021, Tom Horak successfully defended his PhD thesis.

His topic Visual Data Analysis in Device Ecologies addresses the question, how multiple co-located computing devices can be used in synergistic combination for facilitating visual data exploration and analysis.

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Six Contributions & Honorable Mention Award at the 2020 ACM CHI Conference

At this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), we will present six accepted contributions – two full papers (one Honorable Mention Award), two interactivities, one student game competition exhibit, and one workshop contribution.

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UIST 2019 in New Orleans

BodyHub, UIST 2019

From October 20 to October 23, the 32st ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (short UIST 2019) took place at the center of New Orleans in the French Quarter. The doctoral symposium and welcome reception happened at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on the famous Bourbon Street on Sunday. UIST brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, novel devices, and CSCW.

This year, Andreas Peetz and Konstantin Klamka presented a reconfigurable wearable system for clothing, called BodyHub, that allows user to realize their own smart garment applications by arranging and configuring exchangeable functional modules. To address individual user requirements and preferences, BodyHub provides input and output modules that can be placed freely onto slide-in sockets which are imprinted in the textile by using 3D printing. Further, our approach facilitates the creation of user-defined system functions without any programming skills by providing a easy-to-use smartphone companion app. BodyHub thereby allows the creation of personalized wearable solutions by the users themselves and also supports ad-hoc assemblies for interface design explorations in research labs. Detailed information about our approach can be found in the poster paper and the project page.

Some impressions of the scientific part and non-scientific program can be found in the twitter feed of the conference @acmuist and acmuist flickr.

Ulrike Kister receives Dr.-Walter-Seipp award for her dissertation

Ulrike Kister, former member and PhD student at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden, received the prestigious Dr.-Walter-Seipp award of the TU Dresden and the Commerzbank Endowment on October 11th. The award was presented for her outstanding dissertation Interactive Visualization Lenses.

Graphical data visualizations allow to visually understand numbers comprehensible and correlations. For complex data, magic lenses can help to highlight and analyse certain aspects. In order to investigate novel interaction forms for magic lenses, Ulrike Kister developed a rich set of spatially-aware techniques that enable intuitive human-computer interactions. Therefore, she explores, for instance, how a smartphone or even the own body can function as a magic lens in front of large display walls. We congratulate her on this admirable work and achievement. You can find some impressions of the event in our photo gallery.

The prizes sponsored by Commerzbank were presented by the Rector of the TU Dresden, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng/Auckland Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Commerzbank AG Chairman of the Board Burkhard von der Osten. Furthermore, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt gave a laudation for Ulrike. In addition, Dr. Sara Al-Nassir and Dr. Martin Schwarze also received awards for their dissertations.

Start of the CeTI Cluster of Excellence

The cluster of excellence “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI) officially started on January 1st 2019 and aims to bring cooperation between humans and machines to a new level.

In the future, people should be able to interact in real time with interconnected cyber-physical systems in both the real and virtual world. The declared goal is to democratize access to skills and expertise and enable globally connected work and learning environments.
To achieve this, scientists from the TU Dresden in the fields of electrical and communication engineering, computer science, psychology, neuroscience and medicine are working together with researchers from the TU Munich, the German Aerospace Center, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as international scientific institutions in the CeTI cluster.

Raimund Dachselt is involved as a Principal Investigator in several research rooms (U1, K4, K3, TP2) of the cluster. Starting on March 15th, we welcome Andreas Peetz to our Interactive Media Lab as our first member of the Cluster of Excellence CeTI (Research Room TP2). We wish him a good start in our team.

PhD Defense of Ulrich von Zadow

On May 14, 2018 Ulrich von Zadow successfully defended his dissertation as part of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden. Congratulations from all of us, Ulrich!

The topic of his dissertation was “Personalized Interaction with High-Resolution Wall Displays” and addresses the localization of multiple users in front of wall-sized displays, the according adaptation of user interfaces, and the analysis of user behavior. We are happy that Olivier Chapuis from the university Paris-Sud, France agreed to act as external reviewer of his thesis. After Ulrich’s great talk and successful discussion of the work, the event was celebrated at a restaurant in Dresden’s city center. A small photo gallery provides a view into this special day.

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