Prof. Dachselt new CPEC Spokesperson

At a general meeting of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center 248 Center for Perspicuous Computing (CPEC), Raimund Dachselt was elected as the new spokesperson. Since January 2025, he has headed the transregional research network – together with the now vice spokesperson, Prof. Holger Hermanns, from Saarland University. The large-scale collaborative research initiative with 21 project leaders Continue reading

Start of the CeTI Cluster of Excellence

The cluster of excellence “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI) officially started on January 1st 2019 and aims to bring cooperation between humans and machines to a new level.

In the future, people should be able to interact in real time with interconnected cyber-physical systems in both the real and virtual world. The declared goal is to democratize access to skills and expertise and enable globally connected work and learning environments.
To achieve this, scientists from the TU Dresden in the fields of electrical and communication engineering, computer science, psychology, neuroscience and medicine are working together with researchers from the TU Munich, the German Aerospace Center, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as international scientific institutions in the CeTI cluster.

Raimund Dachselt is involved as a Principal Investigator in several research rooms (U1, K4, K3, TP2) of the cluster. Starting on March 15th, we welcome Andreas Peetz to our Interactive Media Lab as our first member of the Cluster of Excellence CeTI (Research Room TP2). We wish him a good start in our team.