PhD Defense of Wolfgang Büschel

Group photo of the IML after Wolfgang's PhD defense

On April 17, 2023, Wolfgang Büschel successfully defended his dissertation with the highest honor summa cum laude.

The topic of his dissertation “Spatial Interaction for Immersive Mixed Reality Visualizations” deals with the question of how spatial interaction can be beneficially used and evaluated in immersive visualizations.

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German Pre-CHI 2023 in Dresden

We are happy to announce that the German Pre-CHI 2023 will take place March 30-31 in Dresden. This event aims to provide an opportunity for researchers from Germany to present their accepted CHI papers and discuss them in a smaller circle. Additionally, this is an excellent opportunity for younger researchers to get a taste of the quality of work presented at CHI and network. Therefore, everyone from students to professors interested in HCI is welcome! For more information, please check out or event page at

PhD Defense of Konstantin Klamka

On January 26, 2023, Konstantin Klamka successfully defended his PhD thesis.

His topic Blending the Material and Digital World for Hybrid Interfaces addresses the question, how future user interfaces can be able to provide useful digital functionality while maintaining their physical properties and familiar patterns of use in the real world.

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IEEE ISMAR 2022 in Singapore

This year, the ISMAR conference took place in Singapore. From October 17 to 21, exciting research papers were presented at this important augmented and mixed reality conference, for the first time also in hybrid form. A record was set both in the number of papers and the number of participants. The Interactive Media Lab was represented again this year: Katja Krug, Marc Satkowski and Wolfgang Büschel attended the conference from our Lab.
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OUTPUT 2022: Four awards for IML projects

This year‘s OUTPUT was particularly successful for the Interactive Media Lab, since we received four awards for projects which were developed at our chair, including two awards for excellent theses and a shared first place for two of our demos.

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ACM CHI 2022 in New Orleans

This year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) took place in New Orleans, LA, USA from April 30 to May 5. After two years of virtual conferences, nearly 2000 researchers from all over the world came together to show and discuss recent work in the field of Human-Computer-Interaction.
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Three Full Papers at CHI 2022

We are happy to announce, that we contribute three full papers to this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). The ACM CHI is the biggest and most prestigious conference in the field of human-computer interaction and will take place in New Orleans, LA, USA from April 30 to May 05, 2022. Five colleagues of our team will fly to New Orleans to present our results and meet HCI researchers from around the world.
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New Book on Mobile Data Visualization available

In July 2019, the Dagstuhl Seminar "Mobile Data Visualization" took place, resulting in a book project idea. We are very proud that after long and hard work, many discussions, and several hurdles caused by the pandemic, the book entitled Mobile Data Visualization is available now Continue reading

Two Contributions at the IEEE VIS 2021

The IEEE VIS 2021 (IEEE Visualization & Visual Analytics) took place from October 24 to 29, where our group presented two contributions.

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