I worked at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden as a PhD student from 2013 to 2018. My work focuses on personalized interaction with large vertical displays. In current single-user systems, personalized interaction is implicit, and after a login, the device knows who is interacting and adapts the interface accordingly. With large multi-user displays such as touch-sensitive display walls, this changes: How do we determine the user for each individual interaction? How does the interface need to change if the screen is used by several people? Thus, my work covers technical solutions and the design of novel interaction techniques as well as including a number of qualitative studies.
In addition, I maintain the media development framework libavg.
Dissertation.Qucosa - Technische Universität Dresden,2018.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Personalized Interaction with High-Resolution Wall Displays},
year = {2018},
month = {5},
location = {Dresden},
numpages = {235},
url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-236198},
publisher = {Qucosa - Technische Universit\"{a}t Dresden}
Weitere Materialien
In Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband.MuC, Regensburg.Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.,Seite 263-266,2017.10.18420/muc2017-mci-0314
author = {Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Challenges in Personalized Multi-user Interaction at Large Display Walls},
booktitle = {Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband},
year = {2017},
month = {9},
location = {Regensburg},
pages = {263--266},
numpages = {4},
doi = {10.18420/muc2017-mci-0314},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.18420/muc2017-mci-0314},
publisher = {Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Informatik e.V.},
address = {Regensburg}
Weitere Materialien
In CHI 2017 Workshop on HCI Tools.CHI '17, Denver, CO, USA.2017.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Research on HCI Toolkits and Toolkits for HCI Research: A Comparison},
booktitle = {CHI 2017 Workshop on HCI Tools},
year = {2017},
month = {5},
location = {Denver, CO, USA},
numpages = {4}
Weitere Materialien
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.CHI '17, Denver, CO, USA.ACM,Seite 2639-2647,2017.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {GIAnT: Visualizing Group Interaction at Large Wall Displays},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
year = {2017},
month = {5},
location = {Denver, CO, USA.},
pages = {2639--2647},
numpages = {9},
publisher = {ACM}
Weitere Materialien
Langner, R.; von Zadow, U.; Horak, T.; Mitschick, A.; Dachselt, R.
In C. Anslow et al. (Eds.), Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces.Springer International Publishing,Seite 75-96,2016.10.1007/978-3-319-45853-3_5
author = {Ricardo Langner and Ulrich von Zadow and Tom Horak and Annett Mitschick and Raimund Dachselt},
editor = {Craig Anslow and Pedro Campos and Joaquim Jorge},
title = {Content Sharing Between Spatially-Aware Mobile Phones and Large Vertical Displays Supporting Collaborative Work},
booktitle = {Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces},
year = {2016},
month = {12},
isbn = {978-3-319-45852-6},
pages = {75--96},
numpages = {22},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-45853-3_5},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45853-3_5},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Bösel, D.; Dam, D.; Lehmann, A.; Reipschläger, P.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces.ISS '16, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.ACM,Seite 235-240,2016.10.1145/2992154.2992174
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Daniel B\"{o}sel and Duc Dung Dam and Anke Lehmann and Patrick Reipschl\"{a}ger and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Miners: Communication and Awareness in Collaborative Gaming at an Interactive Display Wall},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
isbn = {978-1-4503-4248-3},
location = {Niagara Falls, ON, Canada},
pages = {235--240},
numpages = {6},
doi = {10.1145/2992154.2992174},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2992154.2992174},
acmid = {2992174},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {Collaborative games, display wall, tangible interaction, wall interaction, multitouch, awareness}
Weitere Materialien
Sollich, H.; von Zadow, U.; Pietzsch, T.; Tomancak, P.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces.ISS '16, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.ACM,Seite 349-354,2016.10.1145/2992154.2996779
author = {Hendrik Sollich and Ulrich von Zadow and Tobias Pietzsch and Pavel Tomancak and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Exploring Time-dependent Scientific Data Using Spatially Aware Mobiles and Large Displays},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
isbn = {978-1-4503-4248-3},
location = {Niagara Falls, ON, Canada},
pages = {349--354},
numpages = {6},
doi = {10.1145/2992154.2996779},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2992154.2996779},
acmid = {2996779},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {display wall, information visualization, large display, multi-display environment, spatial interaction, tangible views}
Weitere Materialien
Horak, T.; von Zadow, U.; Kalms, M.; Dachselt, R.
In ISS 2016 Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device Ecologies "in the wild".ISS '16, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.2016.
author = {Tom Horak and Ulrich von Zadow and Matthias Kalms and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Discussing the State of the Art for “in the wild” Mobile Device Localization},
booktitle = {ISS 2016 Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device Ecologies "'in the wild"'},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
location = {Niagara Falls, ON, Canada},
numpages = {7}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Reipschläger, P.; Bösel, D.; Sellent, A.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2016.AVI '16, Bari, Italy.ACM,2016.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Patrick Reipschl\"{a}ger and Daniel B\"{o}sel and Anita Sellent and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {YouTouch! - Low-Cost User Identification at an Interactive Display Wall},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2016},
year = {2016},
month = {6},
location = {Bari, Italy},
numpages = {8},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {Display wall, multitouch, RGBD sensor, user identification, multi- user interaction, re-identification, interactive surface}
Weitere Materialien
Büschel, W.; Langner, R.; von Zadow, U.; Horak, T.; Dachselt, R.
In CHI 2016 Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device Ecologies "in the Wild".CHI '16, San Jose, CA, USA.2016.
author = {Wolfgang B\"{u}schel and Ricardo Langner and Ulrich von Zadow and Tom Horak and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Towards Cross-Surface Content Sharing Between Mobile Devices and Large Displays in the Wild},
booktitle = {CHI 2016 Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device Ecologies "'in the Wild"'},
year = {2016},
month = {5},
location = {San Jose, CA, USA},
numpages = {5}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Siegel, A.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.ITS '15, Funchal/Madeira, Portugal.ACM,Seite 343-348,2015.10.1145/2817721.2823504
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Andreas Siegel and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Multi-user Multi-device Interaction with Large Displays at the Point of Sale: An Application Case},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces},
year = {2015},
month = {11},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3899-8},
location = {Funchal/Madeira, Portugal},
pages = {343--348},
numpages = {6},
doi = {10.1145/2817721.2823504},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2817721.2823504},
acmid = {2823504},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {multi-display environment; cross-device interaction; large displays; mobile phones; point of sale; attention switches}
Weitere Materialien
Matulic, F.; von Zadow, U.; Dachselt, R.
In ITS'15 Workshop on Interaction Techniques for Wall-Sized Screens.ITS'15, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.2015.
author = {Fabrice Matulic and Ulrich von Zadow and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Interaction Design for Large Vertical vs. Horizontal Displays: Open Issues},
booktitle = {ITS'15 Workshop on Interaction Techniques for Wall-Sized Screens},
year = {2015},
month = {11},
location = {Funchal, Madeira, Portugal},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Interaction design, Large vertical displays, wall dis-plays, digital tabletops}
Weitere Materialien
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology.UIST '15, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.ACM,Seite 25-28,2015.10.1145/2815585.2815592
author = {Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Using Personal Devices to Facilitate Multi-user Interaction with Large Display Walls},
booktitle = {Adjunct Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software \& Technology},
year = {2015},
month = {11},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3780-9},
location = {Charlotte, North Carolina, USA},
pages = {25--28},
numpages = {4},
doi = {10.1145/2815585.2815592},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2815585.2815592},
acmid = {2815592},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Büschel, W.; Langner, R.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.ITS '14, Dresden, Germany.ACM,Seite 129-138,2014.10.1145/2669485.2669507
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Wolfgang B\"{u}schel and Ricardo Langner and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {SleeD: Using a Sleeve Display to Interact with Touch-sensitive Display Walls},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces},
year = {2014},
month = {12},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2587-5},
location = {Dresden, Germany},
pages = {129--138},
numpages = {10},
doi = {10.1145/2669485.2669507},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2669485.2669507},
acmid = {2669507},
publisher = {ACM}
Weitere Materialien
Thalmann, F.; von Zadow, U.; Heckel, M.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.ITS '14, Dresden, Germany.ACM,Seite 317-322,2014.
author = {Felix Thalmann and Ulrich von Zadow and Marcel Heckel and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {X-O Arch Menu: Combining Precise Positioning with Efficient Menu Selection on Touch Devices},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces},
year = {2014},
month = {11},
location = {Dresden, Germany},
pages = {317--322},
numpages = {6},
publisher = {ACM}
Weitere Materialien
In ITS '14 Workshop on Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones (CMIS).ITS'14, Dresden, Germany.2014.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Tabletop Territoriality and Social Context: Examining Medical Simulation},
booktitle = {ITS '14 Workshop on Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones (CMIS)},
year = {2014},
month = {11},
location = {Dresden, Germany},
numpages = {4}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Buron, S.; Sostmann, K.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces.ITS '13, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.ACM,Seite 297-300,2013.10.1145/2512349.2514587
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Sandra Buron and Kai Sostmann and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {The SimMed Experience: Medical Education on Interactive Tabletops},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces},
year = {2013},
month = {10},
location = {St Andrews, Fife, Scotland},
pages = {297--300},
numpages = {4},
doi = {10.1145/2512349.2514587},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2512349.2514587},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Buron, S.; Harms, T.; Behringer, F.; Sostmann, K.; Dachselt, R.
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.CHI'13, Paris, France.ACM,Seite 1469-1478,2013.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Sandra Buron and Tina Harms and Florian Behringer and Kai Sostmann and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {SimMed: Combining Simulation and Interactive Tabletops for Medical Education},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
year = {2013},
month = {4},
location = {Paris, France},
pages = {1469--1478},
numpages = {10},
publisher = {ACM}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Langner, R.; Kister, U.; Dachselt, R.
In Powerwall: CHI 2013 Workshop on Interactive, Ultra-High-Resolution Displays.CHI'13, Paris, France.2013.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Ricardo Langner and Ulrike Kister and Raimund Dachselt},
title = {Powerwalls and Scalability: Implementation Issues},
booktitle = {Powerwall: CHI 2013 Workshop on Interactive, Ultra-High-Resolution Displays},
year = {2013},
month = {4},
location = {Paris, France},
numpages = {6}
Weitere Materialien
Isenberg, P.; Isenberg, T.; Hesselmann, T.; Lee, B.; von Zadow, U.; Tang, A.
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.IEEE Computer Society,Seite 16-24,2013.10.1109/MCG.2013.24
author = {Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg and Tobias Hesselmann and Bongshin Lee and Ulrich von Zadow and Anthony Tang},
title = {Data Visualization on Interactive Surfaces: A Research Agenda},
booktitle = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
volume = {33(2)},
year = {2013},
month = {3},
pages = {16--24},
numpages = {8},
doi = {10.1109/MCG.2013.24},
url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MCG.2013.24},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Daiber, F.; Schöning, J.; Krüger, A.
In Proc. DEXIS 2011.DEXIS '11 (proceedings published as INRIA research report # RR-0421)INRIA,Seite 16-19,2011.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Florian Daiber and Johannes Sch\"{o}ning and Antonio Kr\"{u}ger},
title = {GeoLens: Multi-User Interaction with Rich Geographic Information},
booktitle = {Proc. DEXIS 2011},
year = {2011},
month = {1},
pages = {16--19},
numpages = {4},
publisher = {INRIA}
Weitere Materialien
Kaschny, M.; Sostmann, K.; Buron, S.; von Zadow, U.
In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces.ITS '10, Saarbrücken, Germany.ACM,Seite 267-268,2010.
author = {Maria Kaschny and Kai Sostmann and Sandra Buron and Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Medical Education on an Interactive Surface},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces},
year = {2010},
month = {11},
location = {Saarbr\"{u}cken, Germany},
pages = {267--268},
numpages = {2},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
Weitere Materialien
von Zadow, U.; Daiber, F.; Schöning, J.; Krüger, A.
In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces.ITS '10, Saarbrücken, Germany.ACM,Seite 318-318,2010.
author = {Ulrich von Zadow and Florian Daiber and Johannes Sch\"{o}ning and Antonio Kr\"{u}ger},
title = {GlobalData: Multi-User Interaction with Geographic Information Systems on Interactive Surfaces},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces},
year = {2010},
month = {11},
location = {Saarbr\"{u}cken, Germany},
pages = {318--318},
numpages = {1},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
Weitere Materialien
Schöning, J.; Hook, J.; Bartindale, T.; Schmidt, D.; Olivier, P.; Echtler, F.; Motamedi, N.; Brandl, P.; von Zadow, U.
In Christian Muller-Tomfelde (Ed.): Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays.Springer,Seite 27-49,2010.
author = {Johannes Sch\"{o}ning and Jonathan Hook and Tom Bartindale and Dominik Schmidt and Patrick Olivier and Florian Echtler and Nima Motamedi and Peter Brandl and Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Building Interactive Multi-touch Surfaces},
booktitle = {Christian Muller-Tomfelde (Ed.): Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays},
year = {2010},
month = {1},
isbn = {978-1-84996-112-7},
pages = {27--49},
numpages = {22},
publisher = {Springer}
Weitere Materialien
Schöning, J.; Hook, J.; Motamedi, N.; Olivier, P.; Echtler, F.; Brandl, P.; Muller, L.; Daiber, F.; Hilliges, O.; Löchtefeld, M.; Schmidt, D.; von Zadow, U.
In Journal of Graphics, GPU, & Game Tools.A K Peters,Seite 35-55,2009.
author = {Johannes Sch\"{o}ning and Jonathan Hook and Nima Motamedi and Patrick Olivier and Florian Echtler and Peter Brandl and Laurence Muller and Florian Daiber and Otmar Hilliges and Markus L\"{o}chtefeld and Dominik Schmidt and Ulrich von Zadow},
title = {Building Interactive Multi-touch Surfaces},
booktitle = {Journal of Graphics, GPU, \& Game Tools},
volume = {14(3)},
year = {2009},
month = {1},
pages = {35--55},
numpages = {21},
publisher = {A K Peters}
Weitere Materialien
Lokalisierung mobiler Geräte vor einer interaktiven Displaywand mit Ultraschallsignalen
Matthias Kalms 15. Juni 2016 bis 14. März 2017
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Exploration of 4D Data with Multiple Heterogenous Devices
Hendrik Sollich 4. Januar 2016 bis 3. Juli 2016
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Konzeption und prototypische Entwicklung eines Toolkits für die Auswertung proxemischer Daten
Alexandra Weiß 1. Mai 2015 bis 31. Oktober 2015
Betreuung: Ricardo Langner, Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Einsatz interaktiver Displays im Handel zur Kundenbindung und Umsatzsteigerung
Andreas Siegel 5. Januar 2015 bis 4. Juli 2015
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Annotation und Manipulation von Graphen an einer Powerwall durch Interaktion mit Tablets
Matthias Voigt 17. März 2014 bis 23. September 2014
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow, Ulrike Kister
Bildbasierte Nutzeridentifizierung an einer interaktiven Displaywand mittels künstlicher neuronaler Netzwerke
Daniel Bösel 1. April 2016 bis 9. September 2016
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Eva Brumme 1. Oktober 2013 bis 11. März 2014
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Annett Mitschick, Raimund Dachselt
Entwicklung und Beurteilung neuer Konzepte zur Interaktion zwischen Smartwatch und Displaywall
Thomas Meyer 1. Mai 2015 bis 3. September 2015
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Untersuchung des Nutzerverhaltens an einer Displaywand im Kontext eines kooperativen multimodalen Spiels
Duc Dung Dam 12. September 2014 bis 5. Dezember 2014
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Robuste Zuordnung von Interaktionen an einer Displaywand zu Benutzern mittels Tiefenkamera
Daniel Bösel 15. August 2014 bis 6. November 2014
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Kollaborative MindMap Erstellung an interaktiven Display Walls
Markus Walker 14. März 2016 bis 25. Juli 2016
Betreuung: Patrick Reipschläger, Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
OpenGL Streaming von verteilten User Interfaces
Gilbert Röhrbein 9. Juli 2014 bis 8. Januar 2015
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrich von Zadow
Supporting Sensemaking using Wall-sized Displays and Tablet Devices
Hendrik Sollich 1. August 2014 bis 31. Januar 2015
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Ulrike Kister, Ulrich von Zadow
Innovative Interaktionskonzepte zur Präsentation und Auswahl von Wohnstoffen in einem Showroom
Conny Günther 15. Juni 2013 bis 31. Januar 2014
Betreuung: André Viergutz, Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Felix Thalmann 1. Juni 2013 bis 15. Januar 2014
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Multi-modale Navigation in Multi-Level-Bilddaten und zoombaren Informationsräumen
Andreas Siegel 1. August 2013 bis 31. Januar 2014
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Bookmarks in zeitabhängigen 3D-Daten
Max Kleinhenz 15. Oktober 2016 bis 15. April 2017
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Map Viewer für eine interaktive Display Wall
Markus Walker 1. Oktober 2015 bis 31. März 2016
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
Map Viewer für eine interaktive Display Wall
Jan Engelmohr 1. Oktober 2015 bis 31. März 2016
Betreuung: Ulrich von Zadow, Raimund Dachselt
User Identification at an Interactive Display Wall
Daniel Bösel 1. Oktober 2015 bis 31. Januar 2016
Betreuung: Raimund Dachselt, Patrick Reipschläger, Ulrich von Zadow