Time: Mittwoch, 5.DS (14:50-16:20) - zweiwöchentlich im Wechsel mit der Übung Data Visualization
Location: APB E023
Quantity: 2V/2Ü/0P SWS
Language: English

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General Information

  • This course takes place in presence at the APB E023.
  • This course can only be completed in combination with the UIE lecture.
  • This course has the same day and time slot as the DataVis exercise, but will take place at alternating weeks, so students can still take both exercises, if they want.
  • The first exercise will take place on 23.10.2024 at 14:50 in APB E023.
  • To participate in this exercise, you have to enroll via Opal for both the lecture and the exercise.


The accompanying exercise helps to deepen the contents of the User Interface Engineering lecture with practical experiences. Therefore, we will teach the development processes of an user interface in its various phases based on real-world application scenarios. The exercise focuses on a development process, which is divided into the analysis, design, prototyping and evaluation phases. All four phases are carried out in small groups. Each team works on a project during the entire semester. The projects include different topics which requires the consideration of specific users, tasks and context. Finally, the main objective of the exercise is the development of an interface solution for the selected topic that involves novel, natural interaction modalities.


Please see the main lecture page for a schedule of both the lecture and the exercise.