Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Semantic Digital Archives
International Journal on Digital Libraries
This focused issue arises from issues covered by the SDA workshop series and invites submissions from all researchers. It will solicit high quality papers that demonstrate exceptional achievements on Semantic Digital Archives. read more...
Paper Submission deadline: December 31, 2013
You are invited to participate in the upcoming 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA), to be held as part of the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL).
The 3rd edition of the Semantic Digital Archives Workshop will be an exciting opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization between the digital libraries, the digital archives and the semantic web communities. Naturally, digital preservation is a richly interdisciplinary research domain and we also invite other research communities contribute as well. Semantic Digital Archives shift the focus of (traditional) digital archives to knowledge representation and management issues surrounding digital preservation. We intend to examine all aspects of these emerging Semantic Digital Archives in the workshop.
Archival Information Systems and Archival Information Infrastructures are becoming increasingly important. For decades, digitally created content has come to permeate all aspects of our lives and its quantity is still constantly growing. The life cycle of these objects tends to be exclusively digital. A selection of this content is expected to have enduring value and can thus be considered being part of our cultural and scientific heritage. For example, a significant number of digital publications and scientific data stored in and accessible from digital libraries or data repositories will, without care and attention, cease to be accessible. This vast corpus needs to be appraised and items of enduring value selected, archived and kept accessible so that it can be made available in response to requests from future users such as information professionals, historians and journalists, and the general public.
Besides cultural heritage institutions, also companies have a huge demand for the long-term preservation of their data and processes for legal purposes and economic competitiveness. Furthermore, with the Web being an open space for everyone to contribute data, tools and services, digital preservation of the web or those parts of it that might be of interest for a possible future user community is a relevant aspect of digital preservation research. Sustainable long-term curation perspectives for our digital content are essential. Digital content poses many socio-cultural and technological challenges which create obstacles to long-term or indefinite preservation. Changing technologies and shifting user communities as well as the increasing complexity of digital content consisting of or being enriched with software and multimedia attachments are only a few examples. Dealing with these challenges is the central theme of the workshop.
Please check the Scope and Topics section for more information about the scope and the topics of interest of the Workshop.