Talk Announcement (in German)

Information visualization's main purpose is the graphical representation of data in a way that communicates structural coherence and relevant properties. Complexity and amount of today's data poses a particular challenge. Modern approaches to scalability address this problem.
In this presentation different approaches will be presented. The following two aspects will be examined in particular: "What" (i.e. which information) is going to be presented and "How" is this information presented? The "what" will be discussed through a new approach for the exploration of multi-scale data. The "How" will be addressed through a task-oriented color coding. Finally, a new approach to flexible information presentation in a smart meeting room will be shown.
Heidrun Schumann studied, obtained her doctorate and habilitated at the University Rostock, Germany. Since 1992 she is Professor of Computer Graphics in Rostock.
She is an expert in the area of data and information visualization. In cooperation with Dr. Müller she created the first comprehensive text book on this topic (H. Schumann und W. Müller: Visualisierung - Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden, Springer-Verlag 2000). Additionally, her group is concerned with adaptive visual interfaces for mobile handhelds and smart environments. She was speaker for the DFG-research group on "Mobile Visualization" from 1994 to 2000.