Sophie Stellmach, former member and PhD student at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden, received the prestigious Dr.-Walter-Seipp award of the TU Dresden and the Commerzbank Endowment on May 26th. The award was presented for her outstanding dissertation Gaze-supported Multimodal Interaction. “In her dissertation, Sophie Stellmach researches how human vision can be combined with other modalities to control future computers. Her work was received very well internationally and significantly contributed to the establishment of a new form of human-computer interaction.”, the jury comments. We congratulate her on this admirable achievement. Find some impressions of this event in our photo gallery.
The prizes sponsored by Commerzbank were presented by the Rector of the TU Dresden, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng/Auckland Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Commerzbank AG Chairman of the Board Burkhard von der Osten. Dr. rer. nat. Susann Steudte and Dr.-Ing. Mathias Neumann also received awards for their dissertations.